Donate To Bays Mountain Park
In Memory of
Jennifer Robertson

Jennifer Robertson
earned her Masters degree in Biology at East Tennessee State University. It was then she began her research on American Kestrels. That earned her recognition in the environmental science community and has been published in scientific journals nationwide.

Jennifer taught thousands of visitors about birds of prey at Bays Mountain Park Raptor Center. There, she used her education as a Biologist to care for Falcons, Hawks, Owls and Vultures that were injured in the wild.

Your tax-deductible donation will be used towards Raptor Care, as requested by her loved ones.

The Friends of Bays (Bays Mountain Park Association) is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
100% of your donation goes to supporting our park

Choose your way to donate:

Online via Square (no login required): 

or...        Send a check by mail to:

Bays Mountain Park Association
PO Box 3388
Kingsport, TN 37664

Please mention Jennifer Robertson with your check so we can correctly allocate your donation

or...     Online via CivicRec