The Friends of Bays (Bays Mountain Park Association) is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
EIN/Tax-ID 62-1042329
100% of your tax-deductible donation goes to supporting Bays Mountain Park!
Choose your way to donate:
Donate via Square: (no login required)
or... Send a check by mail to:
Bays Mountain Park Association
PO Box 3388
Kingsport, TN 37664
You can specify on your check if you'd prefer your donation to go towards
General use (default)
Animal Care
Trail Maintenance
The Fox Den Playground
or... Donate via CivicRec:
CLICK HERE to take you to CivicRec
Login - you should be on the "BMPA Donations" screen
Click on a Donation Amount
Click on Add To Cart and then Checkout
*Specify area to support* during "Prompts" check-out step
Complete your payment details