Donate To Bays Mountain Park
In Memory of
David Taylor
David B. Taylor
was a Senior Naturalist at Bays Mountain Park for 33 years. He had a love for nature and everything "outdoors". A graduate of the University of Tennessee, he inspired many people who later became naturalists and volunteers at the park. "An all-round good guy", everyone says. Dave was always kind, upbeat and positive, and will be greatly missed.
Your tax-deductible donation will be used to support the park that Dave loved and honored his entire life.
The Friends of Bays (Bays Mountain Park Association) is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
100% of your donation goes to supporting our park
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Online via Square (no login required):
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Select an amount to donate; Click Checkout
Under Order Summary, enter Dave Taylor
Complete your payment details
or... Send a check by mail to:
Bays Mountain Park Association
PO Box 3388
Kingsport, TN 37664
Please mention Dave Taylor with your check so we can correctly allocate your donation
or... Online via CivicRec:
CLICK HERE to take you to CivicRec
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You should be on the "BMPA Donations" screen. If not, look for the BMPA Donations button in the middle of the screen and click it.
Click on a Donation Amount
Click on Add To Cart and then Checkout
On the Prompts screen under *Specify area to support* , select "General"
Below that, when asked List any Notes..., enter Dave Taylor
Complete your payment details